Flux Roadmap

The following components are considered production ready:

The following GitOps Toolkit APIs are considered production ready:

  • source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
  • kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
  • notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
  • helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
  • image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1

The road to Flux v2 GA

In our planning discussions we have identified these possible areas of work, this list is subject to change while we gather feedback:

  • Stabilize the image automation APIs

    • Review the spec of ImageRepository, ImagePolicy and ImageUpdateAutomation
    • Promote the image automation APIs to v1beta1
  • Conformance testing

    • End-to-end testing for Flux bootstrap on AMD64 and ARM64 clusters
    • End-to-end testing for Flux image automation
  • Adopt Kubernetes server-side apply ( fluxcd/flux2#1889)

    • Replace kubectl usage in Flux CLI with server-side apply
    • Rewrite the kustomize-controller reconciler using server-side apply
  • Multi-tenancy lockdown

  • OCI Artifacts

    • RFC-0002 Flux OCI support for Helm
    • RFC Flux OCI support for Kubernetes manifests
  • API consolidation ( fluxcd/flux2#1601)

    • Adopt Kubernetes kstatus standard conditions
    • Standardize events and status conditions metadata
  • Documentation improvements

    • Consolidate the docs under fluxcd.io website
    • Gather feedback on the migration guides and address more use-cases
    • Cloud specific guides (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
    • Incident management and troubleshooting guides
    • Developer guides for contributing to and extending Flux

Security enhancements

Reach consensus on multi-tenancy enhancements and other security related proposals:

  • RFC-0001 Memorandum on the authorization model
  • RFC Access control for cross-namespace source references
  • RFC Flux Multi-Tenancy Security Profile
  • RFC Define Flux tenancy models

The road to Flux v1 feature parity

In our planning discussions we identified three areas of work:

  • Feature parity with Flux v1 in read-only mode
  • Feature parity with the image-update functionality in Flux v1
  • Feature parity with Helm Operator v1

Flux read-only feature parity

Flux v2 read-only is ready to try. See the Getting Started how-to, and the Migration guide.

This would be the first stepping stone: we want Flux v2 to be on-par with today’s Flux in read-only mode and FluxCloud notifications.


✔️Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize plain manifests
✔️Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize Kustomize overlays
✔️Offer a dedicated component for forwarding events to external messaging platforms


  • Migrate users that are using Flux to run custom scripts with flux.yaml
  • Automate the migration of flux.yaml kustomize users


  • Design the events API
  • Implement events in source and kustomize controllers
  • Make the kustomize-controller apply/gc events on-par with Flux v1 apply events
  • Design the notifications and events filtering API
  • Implement a notification controller for Slack, MS Teams, Discord, Rocket
  • Implement Prometheus metrics in source and kustomize controllers
  • Review the git source and kustomize APIs
  • Support bash-style variable substitution as an alternative to flux.yaml envsubst/sed usage
  • Create a migration guide for flux.yaml kustomize users
  • Include support for SOPS

Flux image update feature parity

Image automation is available as a prerelease. See this guide for how to install and use it.


  • Offer components that can replace Flux v1 image update feature



Helm v3 feature parity

Helm support in Flux v2 is ready to try. See the Helm controller guide, and the Helm controller migration guide.


  • Offer a migration guide for those that are using Helm Operator with Helm v3 and charts from Helm and Git repositories


  • Migrate users that are using Helm v2


  • Implement a Helm controller for Helm v3 covering all the current release options
  • Discuss and design Helm releases based on source API:
    • Providing values from sources
    • Conditional remediation on failed Helm actions
    • Support for Helm charts from Git
  • Review the Helm release, chart and repository APIs
  • Implement events in Helm controller
  • Implement Prometheus metrics in Helm controller
  • Implement support for values from Secret and ConfigMap resources
  • Implement conditional remediation on (failed) Helm actions
  • Implement support for Helm charts from Git
  • Implement support for referring to an alternative chart values file
  • Stabilize API
  • Create a migration guide for Helm Operator users