Upgrade Advisory

This documentation is for Flux (v1) and Helm Operator (v1). Both projects are in maintenance mode and will soon reach end-of-life. We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with the newest Flux and start looking at your migration path.

For documentation regarding the latest Flux, please refer to this section.

Release configuration

When making use of the helm binary you can pass along various flags while making a release that influence how a release is performed. Most of these flags are also available as parameters in the spec of the HelmRelease resource, others are not available for helm but fine-tune how the Helm Operator itself functions.

This section of the guide documents the parameters, and the effect they have when the Helm Operator performs a release for the HelmRelease they are configured on.

Targeting a Helm version

When you install the Helm Operator with multiple Helm versions enabled, the lowest enabled version is targeted by default. To target another version or to ensure it does not accidentally target the wrong version due to a configuration mistake, you can set the .helmVersion:

  helmVersion: v3

Migrating from Helm v2 to v3

Helm Operator uses the helm-2to3 plugin under the hood to migrate HelmRelease objects. In order to perform a release conversion you have to:

  1. Set .spec.helmVersion to v3
  2. Add a migrate annotation helm.fluxcd.io/migrate: "true" (For testing, you can set the value to “dry-run” instead of “true”)
apiVersion: helm.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: redis
    helm.fluxcd.io/migrate: "true" # add annotation
  helmVersion: v3 # set helmVersion to v3
  releaseName: redis
    repository: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
    name: redis
  1. Assuming you will be deleting the tiller deployment using gitops, consider setting the operator flags --convert-tiller-out-cluster=true and --convert-release-storage=configmaps. If tiller is in a custom namespace, make sure you set --tiller-namespace= flag as well.

After applying the new HelmRelease, the operator will take care of deleting the old v2 release that Tiller managed and converting it to the v3 format. Once you’re satisfied with the migration, you can go ahead and remove the annotation. This approach allows teams to migrate their charts at scale to the v3 format without stopping the world.

Configuring a target namespace

It is possible to target a different namespace for the release than the HelmRelease lives in using .targetNamespace. This can come in handy when you have to deploy releases into a namespace that is also managed by another team running their own namespace-restricted Helm Operator in this same namespace:

  targetNamespace: team-a

Specifying a release name

The default release name used by the Helm Operator is a composition of the following values:

<namespace>-[<target namespace>-]<name>

This format was invented for Helm 2 to ensure release names from HelmRelease resources in different namespaces would never accidentally collide with each if they would have the same name, as release names were not scoped in this version like they are in Helm 3, and it still serves this purpose when a target namespace is defined.

In some situations you may want to overwrite this generated release name, for example because you want to take over a release made with helm. This is possible by declaring a .releaseName which will replace the generated format:

  releaseName: podinfo

Forcing resource updates

When a chart contains a breaking upgrade, you may need to force resource updates through the replacement strategy of Helm, this is possible by setting .forceUpgrade:

  forceUpgrade: true

Reusing values during upgrade

Due to the declarative behaviour of the Helm Operator it resets all values by default, so that the only configuration being applied is what is defined in the HelmRelease resource. It is possible to disable this behaviour, and make it reuse values from the previous release by explicitly stating that values should not be reset:

  resetValues: false

Configuring the timeout

To configure how many seconds Helm should wait for any individual Kubernetes operations you can set .timeout, the default is 300:

  timeout: 300

Wait for resources to be ready

By default, Helm will mark a release as successfully deployed as soon as the changes have been applied to the cluster. To instruct Helm to wait until all resources are in ready state before marking the release as successful you can set .wait, or enable tests or rollbacks which has the same effect. When set, it will wait for as long as .timeout:

  wait: true

Configuring the max number of revision saved

To configure the maximum number of revision saved by Helm for a HelmRelease, you can set .maxHistory. Use 0 for an unlimited number of revisions; defaults to 10:

  maxHistory: 10