Release Guide

This document describes how to release Flagger.


To release a new Flagger version (e.g. 2.0.0) follow these steps:

  • create a branch git checkout -b prep-2.0.0
  • set the version in code and manifests TAG=2.0.0 make version-set
  • commit changes and merge PR
  • checkout master git checkout main && git pull
  • tag master make release


After the tag has been pushed to GitHub, the CI release pipeline does the following:

  • creates a GitHub release
  • pushes the Flagger binary and change log to GitHub release
  • pushes the Flagger container image to Docker Hub
  • pushes the Helm chart to github-pages branch
  • GitHub pages publishes the new chart version on the Helm repository


The documentation website is built from the docs branch.

After a Flagger release, publish the docs with:

  • git checkout main && git pull
  • git checkout docs
  • git rebase main
  • git push origin docs