Flux Ecosystem

All entries on this page were added by people who worked on these and thus self-identified as being part of the Flux Ecosystem.

Products and Services built on top of Flux

Complete list

VendorProduct / ServiceLink
AWSEKS AnywhereDocumentation
AzureAKS + Azure ArcDocumentation
D2iQKommanderProduct page
Giant SwarmKubernetes PlatformDocumentation
VMwareTanzuProduct Page
WeaveworksWeave Gitops EnterpriseProduct Page

Flux UIs

These open source projects offer a dedicated UI for Flux.

weaveworks/vscode-gitops-toolsGitOps Tools for Visual Studio Code: provides an intuitive way to manage, troubleshoot and operate your Kubernetes environment following the GitOps operating model
weaveworks/weave-gitopsWeaveworks offers a free and open source GUI for Flux under the weave-gitops project. You can install the Weave GitOps UI using a Flux HelmRelease, please see the get started documentation for more details.

VS Code GitOps Tools

Weave GitOps

Flux Extensions

These open source projects extend Flux with new capabilities.

weaveworks/tf-controllerA Flux controller for managing Terraform resources.
pelotech/jsonnet-controllerA Flux controller for managing manifests declared in jsonnet.
kluctl/flux-kluctl-controllerA Flux controller for managing Kluctl deployments.


These projects make use of Flux to offer GitOps capabilities to their users.

23technologies/gardener-extension-shoot-fluxGardener implements the automated management and operation of Kubernetes clusters as a service. With this extension fresh clusters will be reconciled to the state defined in the Git repository by the Flux controller.
fidelity/kraanKraan is a Kubernetes Controller that manages the deployment of HelmReleases to a cluster.
flux-subsystem-argo/flamingo🚧 Technology preview: FSA (aka Flamingo) is Flux Subsystem for Argo. FSA’s container image can be used as a drop-in replacement for the equivalent ArgoCD version to visualize, and manage Flux workloads, along side ArgoCD.
microsoft/bedrockAutomation for Production Kubernetes Clusters with a GitOps Workflow.
microsoft/fabrikateMaking GitOps with Kubernetes easier one component at a time.
microsoft/gitops-connectorA GitOps Connector integrates a GitOps operator with CI/CD orchestrator.
telekom/das-schiffThis is home of Das Schiff - Deutsche Telekom Technik’s engine for Kubernetes Cluster as a Service (CaaS) in on-premise environment on top of bare-metal servers and VMs.
weaveworks/eksctlThe official CLI for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS.
kubevela/kubevelaKubeVela integrates fluxcd well for Helm Chart delivery and GitOps, and provide multi-cluster capabilities.

Ancillary Tools

The functionality of Flux can be easily extended with ancillary utility tools. Here is a list of tools we like. If yours is missing, feel free to send a PR to add it.

renovatebot/renovateUniversal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.Automated Dependency Updates for Flux
jgz/s3-auth-proxyCreates a simple basic-auth proxy for an s3 bucket.README
tarioch/flux-check-hookA pre-commit that validates values of HelmRelease using helm lintREADME