Monitoring with Prometheus

Monitoring Flux with Prometheus Operator and Grafana.

This guide walks you through configuring monitoring for the Flux control plane.

Flux uses kube-prometheus-stack to provide a monitoring stack made out of:

  • Prometheus Operator - manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
  • Prometheus - collects metrics from the Flux controllers and Kubernetes API
  • Grafana dashboards - displays the Flux control plane resource usage and reconciliation stats
  • kube-state-metrics - generates metrics about the state of the Kubernetes objects

Install the Prometheus stack

To install the monitoring stack with flux, first register the Git repository on your cluster:

flux create source git flux-monitoring \
  --interval=30m \
  --url= \

Then apply the manifests/monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack kustomization:

flux create kustomization kube-prometheus-stack \
  --interval=1h \
  --prune \
  --source=flux-monitoring \
  --path="./manifests/monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack" \
  --health-check-timeout=5m \

The above Kustomization will install the kube-prometheus-stack Helm release in the monitoring namespace.

Install the Loki stack (optional)

To install Grafana Loki and Promtail in the monitoring namespace, apply the manifests/monitoring/loki-stack kustomization:

flux create kustomization loki-stack \
  --depends-on=kube-prometheus-stack \
  --interval=1h \
  --prune \
  --source=flux-monitoring \
  --path="./manifests/monitoring/loki-stack" \
  --health-check-timeout=5m \

Install Flux Grafana dashboards

Note that the Flux controllers expose the /metrics endpoint on port 8080. When using Prometheus Operator you need a PodMonitor object to configure scraping for the controllers.

Apply the manifests/monitoring/monitoring-config containing the PodMonitor and the ConfigMap with Flux’s Grafana dashboards:

flux create kustomization monitoring-config \
  --depends-on=kube-prometheus-stack \
  --interval=1h \
  --prune=true \
  --source=flux-monitoring \
  --path="./manifests/monitoring/monitoring-config" \
  --health-check-timeout=1m \

You can access Grafana using port forwarding:

kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana 3000:80

To log in to the Grafana dashboard, you can use the default credentials from the kube-prometheus-stack chart:

username: admin
password: prom-operator

Flux dashboards

Control plane dashboard http://localhost:3000/d/flux-control-plane:

Control Plane Dashboard - Part 1

Control Plane Dashboard - Part 2

Cluster reconciliation dashboard http://localhost:3000/d/flux-cluster:

Cluster reconciliation dashboard

Control plane logs http://localhost:3000/d/flux-logs:

Control plane logs dashboard

If you wish to use your own Prometheus and Grafana instances, then you can import the dashboards from GitHub.

Grafana annotations

Annotations Dashboard

To display the Flux notifications on Grafana dashboards you can configure Flux to push events to Grafana annotations API:

kind: Alert
  name: grafana
  namespace: monitoring
    name: grafana
  eventSeverity: info
    - kind: GitRepository
      name: '*'
      namespace: flux-system
kind: Provider
  name: grafana
  namespace: monitoring
  type: grafana
  address: "http://kube-prometheus-stack-grafana.monitoring/api/annotations"
    name: grafana-auth

For more details on how to integrate Flux with Grafana API please see the Grafana provider documentation.


For each kind, the controllers expose a gauge metric to track the Ready condition status, and a histogram with the reconciliation duration in seconds.

Ready status metrics:

gotk_reconcile_condition{kind, name, namespace, type="Ready", status="True"}
gotk_reconcile_condition{kind, name, namespace, type="Ready", status="False"}
gotk_reconcile_condition{kind, name, namespace, type="Ready", status="Unknown"}
gotk_reconcile_condition{kind, name, namespace, type="Ready", status="Deleted"}

Suspend status metrics:

gotk_suspend_status{kind, name, namespace}

Time spent reconciling:

gotk_reconcile_duration_seconds_bucket{kind, name, namespace, le}
gotk_reconcile_duration_seconds_sum{kind, name, namespace}
gotk_reconcile_duration_seconds_count{kind, name, namespace}

Alert manager example:

  - name: Flux
      - alert: ReconciliationFailure
        expr: max(gotk_reconcile_condition{status="False",type="Ready"}) by (exported_namespace, name, kind) + on(exported_namespace, name, kind) (max(gotk_reconcile_condition{status="Deleted"}) by (exported_namespace, name, kind)) * 2 == 1
        for: 10m
          severity: page
          summary: '{{ $labels.kind }} {{ $labels.exported_namespace }}/{{ $ }} reconciliation has been failing for more than ten minutes.'


The Flux controllers follow the Kubernetes structured logging conventions. The logs are written to stderr in JSON format, with the following common tags:

  • logger controller reconciler name
  • ts timestamp in the ISO 8601 format
  • level can be debug, info or error
  • msg info or error description
  • error error details

Example of a info log:

  "level": "info",
  "ts": "2022-06-03T11:42:49.159Z",
  "logger": "controller.kustomization",
  "msg": "server-side apply completed",
  "name": "demo-frontend",
  "namespace": "msdemo",
  "revision": "main/30081ad7170fb8168536768fe399493dd43160d7",
  "output": {
    "ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis": "created",
    "Deployment/msdemo/demo-frontend-app": "configured",
    "Deployment/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis": "created",
    "HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-frontend-app": "deleted",
    "Service/msdemo/demo-frontend-app": "unchanged",
    "Service/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis": "created"

Example of an error log:

  "level": "error",
  "ts": "2022-06-03T12:42:05.849Z",
  "logger": "controller.kustomization",
  "msg": "Reconciliation failed after 1.864823186s, next try in 5m0s",
  "name": "demo-frontend",
  "namespace": "msdemo",
  "revision": "main/f68c334e0f5fae791d1e47dbcabed256f4f89e68",
  "error": "Service/msdemo/frontend dry-run failed, reason: Invalid, error: Service frontend is invalid: spec.type: Unsupported value: Ingress"