Source Controller

The GitOps Toolkit Source Controller documentation.

The main role of the source management component is to provide a common interface for artifacts acquisition. The source API defines a set of Kubernetes objects that cluster admins and various automated operators can interact with to offload the Git and Helm repositories operations to a dedicated controller.

Source Controller Diagram


  • Validate source definitions
  • Authenticate to sources (SSH, user/password, API token)
  • Validate source authenticity (PGP)
  • Detect source changes based on update policies (semver)
  • Fetch resources on-demand and on-a-schedule
  • Package the fetched resources into a well-known format (tar.gz, yaml)
  • Make the artifacts addressable by their source identifier (sha, version, ts)
  • Make the artifacts available in-cluster to interested 3rd parties
  • Notify interested 3rd parties of source changes and availability (status conditions, events, hooks)


Controller Options

Controller command flags and defaults.


The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Git Repositories

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Helm Charts

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Helm Repositories

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

OCI Repositories

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Source API reference

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.