Image Policies

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

The ImagePolicy type gives rules for selecting a “latest” image from a scanned ImageRepository. This can be used to drive automation, as with the image-automation-controller; or more generally, to inform other processes of the state of an image repository.


// ImagePolicySpec defines the parameters for calculating the
// ImagePolicy
type ImagePolicySpec struct {
	// ImageRepositoryRef points at the object specifying the image
	// being scanned
	// +required
	ImageRepositoryRef meta.NamespacedObjectReference `json:"imageRepositoryRef"`
	// Policy gives the particulars of the policy to be followed in
	// selecting the most recent image
	// +required
	Policy ImagePolicyChoice `json:"policy"`
	// FilterTags enables filtering for only a subset of tags based on a set of
	// rules. If no rules are provided, all the tags from the repository will be
	// ordered and compared.
	// +optional
	FilterTags *TagFilter `json:"filterTags,omitempty"`

The field ImageRepositoryRef names an ImageRepository object. It is this object that provides the scanned image metadata for the policy to use in selecting an image. You can refer to an ImageRepository in another namespace with ImageRepositoryRef.Namespace, for more details on how to allow cross-namespace references see the ImageRepository docs.


The ImagePolicy field specifies how to choose a latest image given the image metadata. The choice is between

  • SemVer: interpreting all tags as semver versions, and choosing the highest version available that fits the given semver constraints; or,
  • Alphabetical: choosing the last tag when all the tags are sorted alphabetically (in either ascending or descending order); or,
  • Numerical: choosing the last tag when all the tags are sorted numerically (in either ascending or descending order).
// ImagePolicyChoice is a union of all the types of policy that can be supplied.
type ImagePolicyChoice struct {
	// SemVer gives a semantic version range to check against the tags available.
	// +optional
	SemVer *SemVerPolicy `json:"semver,omitempty"`

	// Alphabetical set of rules to use for alphabetical ordering of the tags.
	// +optional
	Alphabetical *AlphabeticalPolicy `json:"alphabetical,omitempty"`

	// Numerical set of rules to use for numerical ordering of the tags.
	// +optional
	Numerical *NumericalPolicy `json:"numerical,omitempty"`

// SemVerPolicy specifies a semantic version policy.
type SemVerPolicy struct {
	// Range gives a semver range for the image tag; the highest
	// version within the range that's a tag yields the latest image.
	// +required
	Range string `json:"range"`

// AlphabeticalPolicy specifies a alphabetical ordering policy.
type AlphabeticalPolicy struct {
	// Order specifies the sorting order of the tags. Given the letters of the
	// alphabet as tags, ascending order would select Z, and descending order
	// would select A.
	// +kubebuilder:default:="asc"
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=asc;desc
	// +optional
Order string `json:"order,omitempty"`

// NumericalPolicy specifies a numerical ordering policy.
type NumericalPolicy struct {
	// Order specifies the sorting order of the tags. Given the integer values
	// from 0 to 9 as tags, ascending order would select 9, and descending order
	// would select 0.
	// +kubebuilder:default:="asc"
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=asc;desc
	// +optional
	Order string `json:"order,omitempty"`


// TagFilter enables filtering tags based on a set of defined rules
type TagFilter struct {
	// Pattern specifies a regular expression pattern used to filter for image
	// tags.
	// +optional
	Pattern string `json:"pattern"`
	// Extract allows a capture group to be extracted from the specified regular
	// expression pattern, useful before tag evaluation.
	// +optional
	Extract string `json:"extract"`

The FilterTags field gives you the opportunity to filter the image tags before they are considered by the policy rule.

The Pattern field takes a regular expression which can match anywhere in the tag string. Only tags that match the pattern are considered by the policy rule.

The optional Extract value will be expanded for each tag that matches the pattern. The resulting values will be supplied to the policy rule instead of the original tags. If Extract is empty, then the tags that match the pattern will be used as they are.


// ImagePolicyStatus defines the observed state of ImagePolicy
type ImagePolicyStatus struct {
	// LatestImage gives the first in the list of images scanned by
	// the image repository, when filtered and ordered according to
	// the policy.
	LatestImage string `json:"latestImage,omitempty"`
	// +optional
	ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
	// +optional
	Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

The LatestImage field contains the image selected by the policy rule, when it has run successfully.


There is one condition that may be present: the GitOps toolkit-standard ReadyCondition. This will be marked as true when the policy rule has selected an image.


Select the latest main branch build tagged as ${GIT_BRANCH}-${GIT_SHA:0:7}-$(date +%s) (numerical):

kind: ImagePolicy
    pattern: '^main-[a-fA-F0-9]+-(?P<ts>.*)'
    extract: '$ts'
      order: asc

A more strict filter would be ^main-[a-fA-F0-9]+-(?P<ts>[1-9][0-9]*). Before applying policies in-cluster, you can validate your filters using a Go regular expression tester or

Select the latest stable version (semver):

kind: ImagePolicy
      range: '>=1.0.0'

Select the latest stable patch version in the 1.x range (semver):

kind: ImagePolicy
      range: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'

Select the latest version including pre-releases (semver):

kind: ImagePolicy
      range: '>=1.0.0-0'

Select the latest release candidate (semver):

kind: ImagePolicy
    pattern: '.*-rc.*'
      range: '^1.x-0'

Select the latest release tagged as RELEASE.<RFC3339-TIMESTAMP> e.g. Minio (alphabetical):

kind: ImagePolicy
    pattern: '^RELEASE\.(?P<timestamp>.*)Z$'
    extract: '$timestamp'
      order: asc