Image reflector and automation controllers

The GitOps Toolkit Image Automation Controllers documentation.

The image-reflector-controller and image-automation-controller work together to update a Git repository when new container images are available.

  • The image-reflector-controller scans image repositories and reflects the image metadata in Kubernetes resources.
  • The image-automation-controller updates YAML files based on the latest images scanned, and commits the changes to a given Git repository.

Image Automation Controller Diagrams


Controller Options

Controller command flags and defaults.

Image Policies

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Image reflector API reference

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Image Repositories

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Image update automation API reference

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.

Image Update Automations

The GitOps Toolkit Custom Resource Definitions documentation.